Billionaire no More

por David Gelles 
Setembro 2022

Visionário fundador da Patagônia, ao invés de abrir o capital ou vender sua empresa, doou suas ações para um Trust e uma ONG com objetivo de reverter 100% do lucro para preservação do meio ambiente.


A half century after founding the outdoor apparel maker Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, the eccentric rock climber who became a reluctant billionaire with his unconventional spin on capitalism, has given the company away.

Rather than selling the company or taking it public, Mr. Chouinard, his wife and two adult children have transferred their ownership of Patagonia, valued at about $3 billion, to a specially designed trust and a nonprofit organization. They were created to preserve the company’s independence and ensure that all of its profits — some $100 million a year — are used to combat climate change and protect undeveloped land around the globe.

Profissionais rejeitam ofertas de emprego que sinalizam excesso de trabalho

‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ and More Phrases That Can Scare Away Job Applicants
por Ray A. Smith
The Wall Street Journal
Setembro 2022

À medida que o movimento da "demissão silenciosa" cresce, mais profissionais estão rejeitando ofertas de emprego que sinalizam um desequilíbrio entre trabalho e vida pessoal.

When Becky Phillips, a pharmaceutical industry scientist, has looked for work, one phrase in job ads has turned her away from applying to otherwise promising-sounding opportunities: “fast-paced environment.”

“Usually fast-paced sounds like that would be fun, like you’re going to make lots of progress on projects,” Ms. Phillips, 34 years old, said. “But, I think in practice, it just means that there’s no work-life balance.”